Jesse Highsmith
Hello, weary traveler! You have stumbled upon my cozy little corner of the internet. Here you will find my blog, flash fiction, opinion pieces, links, and other info regarding my published works. Everything is in the menu above. Be sure to click the "more" tab. Thanks for stopping by!

My Writing Path
I've always loved stories, despite reading very little in my twenties. At some point, I became the annoying guy who knew the twists before they came, and plotted out his own endings to every movie and show he would watch. I began conjuring up my own plot scenarios, and vowed to someday write them. Around 2018, I finally decided it was time, but had no clue where to start. I had taken English Composition classes in college, but aside from grammar, I knew little else. A year later, I joined some groups on Facebook, and learned whatever I could from authors within the community. The most helpful of these was the Inner Circle Writer's Group, so I love to submit works to the affiliated Clarendon House Publications when I can. I started small- really small. My first works were flash fiction between 50-100 words. I enjoyed attempts at evoking emotions within such tight confines. I slowly moved up to 500-word stories, to 2k-5k-word stories, and now I am 30k words into my first novel, with other book projects started as well. Keep in mind that my alternate lives, family, day-job, and cover band, take up most of my time. I've come a long way, and I'm proud to have many minor publications under my belt.